Countertop Makeovers



Choose from 58 Different Colours

Countertop Makeovers offers a wide selection of colour choices to refinish your Bathtub, Shower, Countertop or Backsplash.

Amazon Ancient Ivory Amarillo Yellow Astoria Granite
Amazon Ancient Ivory Armarillo Astoria Granite
Aztec Brown Baltic Brown Beach House Lime Beach House Pink
Aztec Brown Baltic Brown Beach Lime Beach Pink
Bellagio Birch Bark Birch Granite Bisque
Bellagio Birch Bark Birch Granite Bisque
Blackstone Brickyard Brownstone Buckskin
Blackstone Brickyard Brownstone Buckskin
Camouflage Green Canyon Cliff Cappuccino Cashmere
Camouflage Canyon Cliff Cappuccino Cashmere
Celestial Blue Charcoal Granite Cliff Rock Desert Stone
Celestial Blue Charcoal Cliff Rock Desert Stone
Fawn Fieldstone Florance Sand Fusion
Fawn Fieldstone Florance Sand Fusion
Galaxy Galena Gray Irish Emerald Green Kongo
Galaxy Galena Gray Irish Emerald Kongo
Latte Lava Lilac Stone Maize
Latte Lava Lilac Stone Maize
Misty Gray Moonstone Morocco Night Spots
Misty Gray Moonstone Morocco Night Spots
Onyx Oyster White Red Granite Rimrock
Onyx Oyster White Red Granite Rimrock
Rocky Road Ruby Granite Safari Tan Safire
Rocky Road Ruby Granite Safari Tan Safire
Salmon Smokey Granite Stonewall Gray Summit Gray
Salmon Smokey Stonewall Summit Gray
Tahitian Sand Taos Tan Teal Granite Tuscan Tan
Tahitian Sand Taos Tan Teal Granite Tuscan Tan
Venetian Tan White Sands    
Venetian Tan White Sands    

Call Us Now to Book Your Appointment:

905 296 1102

519 512 0495

Greater Toronto Area
416 907 4473

Niagara Region
905 228 3008